Wednesday, January 23, 2019


During the month of March, RemTecH Associates will be launching a brand-new website. 

Since our launch date of June 2013, we have offered services to specifically address the many conflicts that arise during phasing design-development in the arena of Materials Management, Materials Handling, and Supply Chain Management. Working with Architectural Firms, Owners, and Management Groups within Healthcare, Commercial, and Industrial marketplaces, we analyze and develop alternatives to ensure you increase your sustainability. We have linked with more than 1,500 individuals throughout United States, Middle-East, and China; offering fresh ideas to solve existing concerns associated with Inventory Management. Inventory must be viewed an asset not simply an overhead liability; therefore, additional consideration is required during design phasing.

Our primary desire has always been to partner with each client served. That has never changed. As we look to this newer site we add several newer offers in addition to the concept of FAVOR.

FAVOR - as much as we put offers out, it is critical that we receive favor. That task requires two things (a) a fair offer that meets and or exceeds the need present, and (b) the desire for those receiving believe change is critical for their future growth.

Offer - we have offered several ways to meet your needs, both from the stand point of completing an assessment document to benchmark current conditions without cost. Second, offering specific insight to tomorrow's technological break through as to ensure sustainability once executed. Even with these offers and many others favor is your side of the fence to accept our suggested path forward.

RemTecH Associates is different than any other consulting firm that you have or have not used in the past. Our success is only possible when you have been giving enough information to turn your vision into reality. That is the main purpose of launching our newer site. 

We hope you feel the same and "together" we will accomplish the necessary steps to allow you to meet future demands.

John Hensman
President / CEO
RemTecH Associates LLC